Odin Dutton



Hrdlr Arduboy

by Odin Dutton

An Arduboy is an Arduino based 8-bit handheld console.

I picked one up and decided to make a hurdling game (again).


I used Aseprite to draw the graphics which were saved as PNG files then converted to C header files using mksprite.

Below is an example of the first from of the coin. The comments are added my mksprite to make it easy to tell what frame you’re referring to and aren’t required.

For example the first frame of the coin looks like:

const uint8_t PROGMEM coinFrames[][4] = {
  /* Frame number 0
      #  #
      # ##
      # ##
      # ##
      # ##




You can find the code on Github. Fair warning though, I don’t really know C or C++.

See previous versions:

hash tag gamedev